For information about campus access policies, please visit
For students living in the Quad:
- All guests must be pre-registered at least 24 hours in advance for access to the Barnard campus.
- Please meet your guest at the Main Gate when they arrive to campus to escort them to the Sulzberger Front Desk, where they will scan the posted QR code to complete the Guest Sign-In form for the Quad.
Residential students are permitted to host affiliate and non-affiliate guests in the residence halls. Please see below for sign-in procedures, guest limits, and additional guest polices (including for minors as guests).
Minor Guest Permission Request Form (online form) -- for guests 13 - 17 years old (see below)
Guest Sign-In Procedures
- Barnard student ID holders must tap their ID to the card reader (or complete the entry form at residential buildings without card swipe capacity, if necessary) in order for the Access Attendant of the residence hall to provide entry.
- The host must meet the guest at the front desk of the residence hall.
- Columbia students will need to tap a valid CU ID card to the card reader, in order for the Access Attendant of the residence hall to provide entry.
Note: Columbia students living in a Barnard residence hall as part of the BC/CU Housing Exchange are expected to act in accordance with Barnard guest policies. If visiting another Barnard residence hall in which they do not reside, they would be required to be signed in as a guest by a resident of that building.
- The host must meet the guest at the front desk of the residence hall.
- Guests coming to the Quad should submit the pre-registration form at least 24 hours in advance in order to access campus.
- The guest must show a valid photo ID that lists the person's age (ex. a driver's license, other state-issued ID, or a passport). Credit cards, ATM cards, expired IDs, and/or IDs that do not list the person's age cannot be accepted.
- The guest must scan a QR code at the residence hall front desk, in order to complete a guest registration form.
Under 13 years old
- Guests under 13 years old may not enter any residence hall without being accompanied by their parent or legal guardian at all times.
- Guests under 13 years old may not stay overnight (even if accompanied by a parent/guardian).
13 - 17 years old
- Hosting a minor as a guest in the residence hall requires advance permission.
- Minor Guest Permission Request Form (online form)
- Form must be completed & signed by the minor’s parent or legal guardian.
- Form must be submitted a minimum of 2 business days in advance of the campus visit (and no later than 10am on Friday for a weekend visit).
- Minors are not permitted as guests during the time periods listed below.
- Without confirmation of receipt of this form and approval provided by Residential Life, a minor will not be permitted access to the campus or residence hall.
- Only one student may be designated as the host for the minor.
- The minor may only enter the designated host's assigned residence hall. The host must accompany the minor at all times.
- Minor Guest may visit for no more than 3 consecutive nights (and no more than 3 nights in any 30-day period).
For All Minor Guests
- Guests are subject to all College, local, state, and federal laws. Violations of policies by student hosts or their minor guests may result in parental notification, required vacating of College premises, and/or loss of host’s guest privileges.
- Minor Guests will not be permitted as guests during the below periods:
- NSOP (New Student Orientation Program)
- Move-In Weekend
- Halloween Weekend (October)
- Fall Break (late October / early November)
- Thanksgiving Break (November)
- Fall reading & exam period (mid-December)
- Winter Break (December - January)
- Spring Break (March)
- St. Patrick's Day Weekend (March)
- Bacchanal Weekend (typically in April)
- Spring reading & exam period (mid-May)
Guest Limits
- Overnight guests are allowed for a maximum of 4 days* per 30-day period
- Guests who are minors (see above) are limited to no more than 3 days per 30-day period
- Overnight guests must be accommodated in their host's room and are not allowed to sleep in lounges or other public spaces.
- The total number of people in a room or suite shall not exceed double the space's assigned occupancy. For example:
- A double shall not exceed a total of four people in the room at one time (ex. two residents, two guests)
- A suite of four residents shall not exceed a total of eight people in the space at one time (ex. four residents, four guests).
Additional Guest Policies
- Residents may only host a guest in the building in which they reside. Guests must be hosted in the resident's own room/suite.
- Guests are expected to act in accordance with all Barnard College and residential policies while visiting.
- Guests (and residents) are not permitted to sleep in lounges or other public spaces of buildings.
- Residents may not accept any payment, service, barter, or other remuneration from a guest in exchange for the guest's ability to stay in a room or suite.
Students are strongly encouraged to have conversations with their roommates/suitemates about their comfort with guests, including overnight guests. Throughout the academic year, students should remain in communication with their roommates/suitemates regarding health and safety prior to guests' arrival.
Misuse/abuse of the tenets of visitation privileges may result in disciplinary action and restriction of privileges. The College reserves the right to suspend or terminate an individual's guest privileges, as well as the right to limit guest privileges during times when classes are not in session, or as otherwise deemed necessary. Residential students are prohibited from giving their keys and/or ID cards to another to use in order to gain entry into a residence hall or room.
In some instances, the College will place restrictions on a person's access to campus or specific buildings on campus. The onus to comply with restrictions is on the individual for whom the restriction is in place. However, residents in Barnard College residence halls are expected to inquire about whether or not a person is restricted from an area before signing them in as a guest. Knowingly assisting someone in an effort to gain entry into a building from which that person is banned is a violation of the Guest Policy.